This outburst has been encouraged by another friend of mine who recently complained of being asked a very funny ( read weird ) question. "Do you go to temple?" "How do you believe in god and pujas, when you love to drink and party?"... I mean what the heck was the guy thinking and which century is he living in? Just because u drink and dance and are a total party animal, you are not supposed to be religious? I am not saying being religious is a good thing or a bad thing... its a personal choice... no harm if you are not... but being religious is not for sure connected with having a little fun and getting drunk at occasions. Why is this question not asked to men? Lot of men drink and they are brahmins who sometimes do pujas at homes as well...Is that ok? If that is ok then why not for women...
Seriously men have this bad habit of stereotyping and judging people and especially woman... if a married woman is friendly with a guy, it is seen as a wrong thing..or maybe the married woman has problems with her husband... why cant she be happily married and yet have a male friend? is that seriously abnormal in todays world. I talk a lot and i talk to men and women alike... it does not mean i dont love my husband! I love him, but i need my friends and my space as well... and friends could be men or women... how the hell does the sex of the friend matter... If i dress up well and have male friends am i supposed to be loose? No you idiotic jerks no... just because i talk to you does not mean i like you... i am just friendly with you as i am with everyone...and i ( read any woman ) dont dress up for you but for myself... i feel confident when i dress up well... i dont do this to entice your stupid self... i really feel disgusted when certain kind of men ( mostly those who havent had any healthy platonic relationships with girls ) start passing loose remarks... in fact i feel sorry for them...they have never known friendship then... they just have a wife and few kids and thats what their life has been and shall be for the rest of their lives... they are unfortunate... but then dont rub your bad fortune on us... these kind of men please stay away from me.. and all my smart/pretty/intelligent friends... cos we dont need you...maybe you guys just dont understand that we women have several ROOPS...we can be a party animal, a responsible mother/wife, a caring sister and a loving unfortunate souls can just be ONE OF THE ABOVE ( Male version ) and can never be ALL OF THE ABOVE